

Dear investors you are first who was offered this innovative technology. This allows you earning million dollars of profit by investments in this project. The uniqueness of this project consists in only Russia has privilege such as natural resources which can be used as “Klondike” for the businessmen. Demand for the oil and other types of modern energy will increase but at the same time desire for improvements of methods of using solid fuel energy (not only burning) will increase too. There is oil world consumption will increase in the future hence it is essential to develop new ways of getting liquid engine fuels. Thus the using of solid fuel for the gases and other components of engine fuel production is very advantageously. There is only one analog of such industry over the world it is TCX ® Technology of Celanese Corporation USA. But our technologies and equipment are the Russian scientists’ elaboration and the coal of Krasnoyarsk region can be used as a raw material for the gases industry and innovative technology of liquid fuel producing from the coal through its gasification and Gases-synthesis from the liquid carbohydrates will make the line of new products which have grate demand and need high loading and facility

Besides apart from the coal for the gasification the anthracite, shale and other solid materials can be used for the carbohydrates synthesis. The Technology allows to use also the amended resources for the synthetic liquid engine fuel manufacturing. It is reasonable to use the local types of raw materials such as coal, peat, pyroshale. For the gases synthesis on the gas generator the gasification way is offered, this way is ecological safety and has quite simple apparatus. The main character of this apparatus connects with the next feature: because of blowing through transom influence the received gases does not consist of even trace of tarry matter. The ecological safety was proved by conclusions from nature conservation organizations. For example the specific emission of harmful substances from burning in gases generator in the copper-utilizer by a factor of ten lower comparing with norm and in 20 times lower than maximum permissible discharge.

Our project consists in creation of a new high technology industrial complex for producing:

1. Gases as a fuel as a reactant for the liquid carbohydrates producing.

2. The high quality chemical compounds – the products with the high value cost for the liquid fuel (Ethanol, methanol derivate, methanol, high-octane additives MTBE) which are using in the engine fuel.  

3. The fuel with the high quality – the product with the high cost addition – petroleum, diesel fuel, fuel oil with the using of chemical substances will be produced from the gases. For this reason we are going to build the oil-refining plant of moderate power.

Industrial complex for producing of such products includes the building of integrate COAL PLANT from scratch which will be made up from ten mini-plants with the power of processing 2000 ton of the coal per day or 700 thousands ton of the coal per year. And ethanol processing power 140000 ton per year. Oil-refining plant with the processing power is 600 ton per day or 219 thousands ton of the oil per year. Coal plant will be for the producing chemicals for getting the oil and petrochemical, chemical, gases, paint and varnish, medical and food industries by using modern technologies.

This technology is based on the steam-oxygen gasification of coal and engine fuel producing from the synthesis-gases in the reactor under catalyst influence. The derivate of methanol is offered because of their qualities such as harmless, antirust, they are mix perfectly and they are good antidetonant.  The row material for the methanol producing is synthesis-gases which are received on the apparatus for the coal gasification.

For the complex building we have got the territory in 50 hectare for the placing of ten coal mini-plants and one oil-refining plant. Each coal plant will have the 14 000 ton per year power of ethanol producing. The equipment cost of one mini-plant is 9 700 000 $. Firstly it will planned that only for the one coal plant equipment will be manufactured and it will consist of:


1.Gases generator,

2.Desulfurization apparatus,

3. Methanol producing apparatus,

4.Spirit rectification,

5.Rectificate dehydratation

6. MTBE apparatus

7. Building part and fuels and lubricants capacity, powerstation, diesel generator and so on. Gases-generators can be placed in the non-heated building of framehouse type, because equipment is out the heat. The equipment will be produced in order on the Russian plant. The term is 7 months.

According to the technical information above it is clear that coal gasification for the further getting liquid carbohydrates is perspective and economical profitable. Russia has big territory with the coal deposit besides the liquid price rises constantly. And we are finding investors for the 100% financing of the project in Russia. For the production organization with the total value 124 800 000 dollars we offer you share-holding in the Coal plant building in the Emiljyanovsky district of the Krasnoyarsk region. The plant is shared on the 40 parts each part costs 3 120 000 dollars. You may purchase any amount of parts as you wish but not more than 47.5 % from total volume or 19 parts. Our area of responsibility is getting all authorization-based documents for the plant building and launching. The payback period of one Coal plant is two years, investments phase is two years also.


Necessary financing:

124 800 000 dollars own means is   960 000 dollars which were spent on the land lot in 50 hectare buying.

Purchase property is 121 800 000 dollars and 97 000 000 dollars from them is need for the purchasing of equipment for the ten coal mini-plants and 4800000 dollars for the purchasing of equipment for the oil-refining plant, and 20 000 000 dollars is need for additional equipment purchasing. пойдут на приобретение   дополнительного оборудования.

Bookkeeping 2 040 000 dollars.

For the project is need 100% financing of value of ten coal mini plants and Oil-refining plant and addition equipment purchasing. Thus indispensable investments for the investors are 124 800 000 dollars, these means will refund to the investors in four years duration. Part of them can be refund by my company as a credit and investors can command their stocks on any terms versus the project yield.                               


Income on the final date of the project end with the VAT


  • 2014 - $ 45 150 000


  • 2015 -  $ 45 150 000 


  • 2016 -  $ 90 300 000


  • 2017 -  $ 90 300 000              

With the value of one product which will produced on the coal plant with the low cost $ 645 per one ton the net income will be:

  • 2014 - $ 28 210 000


  • 2015 - $ 28 210 000


  • 2016 - $ 56 420 000


  • 2017 - $ 56 420 000

With the overpricing product cost price is  242 dollars per ton the profit can be higher because of coal can be bought cheaper almost in two times because of big volumes..

The cost price of our ethanol is equal Brazilian ethanol cost price. These data were taken from the same type of product of middle segment. But indeed there will be 50 types of products in the range, tierce from them will be products with the high value added.                                         


For the successful creation of chemical products with the high value added by new technologies with the using solid fuel as a row material for the producing high quality fuel profit for the accounting period (four years) will be 270 900 000 dollars, profit will be  169 260 000 dollars. Thus your investments will be increased in few times subject to the project yield. This is an amazing idea to create high technological industry on the new technologies which are invented by Russian scientists it is not only give you a profit but improve life of people in Russia.

This project is profitable because the prognosis of economic experts of IMF affirm that this Economics is in restoration. The experts of technical analysis have found out that market has reached the trough in the 2013 and in the end of this year the growth of the main stock indexes will increase. It will lead to the world market stability. Hence according to the oil market cyclic we have got four-year period for the successful development. Thus the company is made this year and with the turnout in 2014 will have high level of selling with the highest price and finally it will form high demand for our goods. We have four years for the getting successful project yield on the assumption of getting financing this year and opening of plant in 2014.